
This Rockstar lifestyle I live.. 3 massive days in the Shop Thurs/Fri/Sat.. then after only three hours or less of sleep I arrived at the shop at 4:30am this morning to get a necessary smoke on., and do lunch and prep for dinner.. then head out in the arvo to hustle on the trailer.. to now finally after the unpack and clean up., Ieave the shop sometime after 11pm !? You do the numbers.. I’m totally shattered !?!?

This Rockstar lifestyle I live.. 3 massive days in the Shop Thurs/Fri/Sat.. then after only three hours or less of sleep I arrived at the shop at 4:30am this morning to get a necessary smoke on., and do lunch and prep for dinner.. then head out in the arvo to hustle on the trailer.. to now finally after the unpack and clean up., Ieave the shop sometime after 11pm !? You do the numbers.. I’m totally shattered !?!?
Posted by Intagrate Lite